Frends in partnership with Jeeves ERP

Frends and Jeeves enter into a partnership where Frends' integration platform enables Jeeves to add more value to its customers in a growing ecosystem of digital services.

Sandra Siljestedt


Sandra Siljestedt

Marketing Manager at Frends Sweden

Jeeves ERP has a variety of systems, both internally and via customers, and integrations are therefore crucial for the company. Jeeves ERP is a comprehensive business system where integrations and automation are essential to be able to take advantage of new smart functions in a growing digital ecosystem. Frends and Jeeves enter into a partnership where Frends' integration platform enables Jeeves to add more value to its customers in a growing ecosystem of digital services.

Jeeves Frends The teams Jeeves ERP and Frends: Kent Kimber-Hansson (Lead Application Architect at Jeeves ERP), Lars Hellberg (Head of Product Management at Jeeves ERP), Asmo Urpilainen (Chief Product Officer at Frends), Ann-Louise Nygren (R&D Director at Jeeves ERP), Christian Schreil (Product Manager at Jeeves ERP), Max Söderlund (Partner Manager at Frends), Kristoffer Lundegren (Country Manager at Frends), Jari Myllyla (Partner Pre-Sales Architect at Frends)

"We are very happy about our partnership with Jeeves. It is a great continuation of our growth with partners in the Nordics, Europe, and globally. Jeeves is one of the best companies to grow together in the Nordic market; our partnership eases up their workload, and they can focus on what really matters, creating value for their clients. In turn, it strengthens Frends' position as the best partner within iPaaS in the Nordics and Europe," says Jukka Rautio, Head of Frends at HiQ.

Integrations are an important part of Jeeves ERP. It is not uncommon for a variety of systems to collaborate with 3rd party providers or for their customers to have external systems that go into the same workflow as Jeeves ERP. Frends will now be an integration partner for the company. Frends' expertise in this area enables Jeeves ERP to offer its customers something they cannot provide on their own while giving them more time to focus on what is valuable to the company.

"Through a partnership with Frends, we do not only have access to a powerful integration platform in our customer projects but also a strategic partner with 30 years of experience in integration and automation. With its' technology and know-how, Frends help us to develop Jeeves ERP further to effectively support our customers' business processes in a growing ecosystem of applications and services," says Lars Hellberg, Head of Product Management at Jeeves.

About Jeeves ERP: Jeeves was built around the idea that no two businesses are alike. Starting from 1992, our founders imagined a genius architecture that could support easily-built, highly-custom implementations that could be carried forward through every upgrade. Over the past 20 years, Jeeves has added deep functionality to the core Jeeves ERP software solution, built up an active community of partners and customers, and become the number-one Swedish-made ERP software solution in for companies in the midmarket. Jeeves serves more than 700 customers spread throughout the Nordics and around the world. Customers operate within a variety of vertical markets including plastics, life sciences, machinery, chemicals, food & beverage, wholesale distribution, project-based manufacturing, and metals, to name a few.

For more information, please contact:

Jukka Rautio, Head of HiQs Frends Ph. +358 40 827 1142 email:

Sandra Siljestedt, Head of PR & Communications HiQ Ph.: +46 70-420 00 48 email:


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