
Integration scenarios with frends eiPaaS.

08:00-08:45 GMT+0


Integration scenarios with frends eiPaaS.

08:00-08:45 GMT+0


Ilkka Leinonen
Ilkka Leinonen
Pre-sales Architect, frends


During the webinar you will learn more about the integration scenarios supported in frends eiPaaS:

  • Process Automation
  • Application Integration
  • Managed File Transfers
  • Extract, Transform and Load (ETL)
  • API publishing

Asmo Urpilainen and Ilkka Leinonen will talk about the specific cases in which every scenario type is used, and how you can model those in frends eiPaaS yourself.

The webinar will be followed by a live showcase, and a Q&A session.


watch the webinar


Intro to frends' features and UI
Scenarios' overview
Live showcase of modelling a scenario
Q&A session
Intro to frends' features and UI
Scenarios' overview
Live showcase of modelling a scenario
Q&A session

Process Automation

frends fully supports BPA or Business Process Automation, which can be used to create either short or long-running business process automations utilizing the visual BPMN 2.0 based process modelling language.

As all integration scenarios are modelled utilizing the BPMN standard, frends is automatically very capable of implementing process automation scenarios.

Application Integration

frends has excellent Application Integration capabiltities, by providing data and logic orchestration through the visual development model BPMN 2.0, and by providing application connectivity through frends tasks.

Managed File Transfers

As frends has been around for over 30 years our MFT capabilities are among the best in the market and are based on our previous independant product Cobalt, which enables all file transfer scenarios in both legacy and modern scenarios.

Extract, Transform and Load

frends has excellent ready-made capabilities for ETL integration scenarios and can process data in almost any format, including JSON, XML, CSV, Flat File, Fixed Width, EDI and more.

API Publishing

With frends you can design, publish and manage API's using the API Management functionality of frends. Additionally you can seamlessly add API endpoints for your integration processes to orchestrate and define the back-end API logic.