Frends Pricing

Integrate and automate your business with the Startup and Business Tiers of Frends. We also offer a lightweight Frends Basic option for single use cases and Enterprise support for demanding and centralized iPaaS usage.

  • Frends Startup

    A full Frends subscription aimed for teams or startups that is limited to Cloud integration use cases. Includes all Frends features at an affordable price point.

    750 €per

    Pricing tiers 

    • 1-25 processes30 /process
    • 26-50 processes20 /process
    • 51-100 processes15 /process
    • 101-150 processes10 /process
    • 151-200 processes6 /process
    • 201-500 processes5 /process
    • 501-1000 processes4 /process
    • 1001- ... processesAsk For Quote

    Plus 3€ per API pass-through

    Billed monthly based on usage

    This includes:

    • Frends Process Builder
    • Frends API Management
    • 250+ Frends Integration Tasks
    • Cloud Deployment
    • Development and Production Pipeline (max 2 agents)
    • 1 000 000 Executions per Month
    • Max 200 Executions per Second
    • SLA Availability for Frends Cloud 99.00%
  • Frends Business

    Frends subscription suitable for most medium to large organizations. Includes all Frends features and functionalities on Public and Private Clouds as well as on-premise. Supports Cloud, Ground and Hybrid integration use cases.

    2000 €per

    Pricing tiers 

    • 1-25 processes30 /process
    • 26-50 processes20 /process
    • 51-100 processes15 /process
    • 101-150 processes10 /process
    • 151-200 processes6 /process
    • 201-500 processes5 /process
    • 501-1000 processes4 /process
    • 1001- ... processesAsk For Quote

    Plus 3€ per API pass-through

    Billed monthly based on usage

    This includes:

    • Frends Process Builder
    • Frends API Management
    • 250+ Frends Integration Tasks
    • Hybrid Deployments
    • 2-20 Frends Agents
    • Development, Testing and Production Pipeline
    • SSO & Other Governance Features
    • 20 000 000 Executions per Month
    • Max 200 Process executions per second per agent
    • SLA Availability for Frends Cloud 99.50%
  • Frends Enterprise

    Frends subscription for large and demanding organizations who need Enterprise grade features such as High-Availability, multiple execution environments, increased throughput and fully dedicated resources.

    5000 €per

    Pricing tiers 

    • 1-25 processes30 /process
    • 26-50 processes20 /process
    • 51-100 processes15 /process
    • 101-150 processes10 /process
    • 151-200 processes6 /process
    • 201-500 processes5 /process
    • 501-1000 processes4 /process
    • 1001- ... processesAsk For Quote

    Plus 2€ per API pass-through

    Billed monthly based on usage

    This includes:

    • Frends Process Builder
    • Frends API Management
    • 250+ Frends Integration Tasks
    • Hybrid Deployments
    • Unlimited execution engines (Agents)
    • Fully customizable pipeline and environments
    • High-Availability Support
    • Fully dedicated premium Cloud Resources
    • SSO & Other Governance Features
    • 100 000 000 Executions per Month
    • Max 400 Process executions per second per agent
    • SLA Availability for Frends Cloud 99.99%


Features and Clarifications

  • Process is an integration solution built in Frends that is displayed on the “Processes” view in the Frends User Interface. An API is an exactly same kind of integration solution, but is instead triggered by a managed API built using the API Management functionality of Frends. Additionally each Process or API can have at maximum 50 integration Tasks within it and a maximum of 10 integration triggers associated with it.

  • It is an API that is managed, secured and monitored in Frends, but the message is routed to third-party API or microservice, thus the business logic or functionality is executed elsewhere outside Frends.

  • Cloud deployment means that instead of deploying the integration runtimes or Frends Agents into infrastructure you manage, you will purchase them as a service from Frends where they will be hosted in Frends managed Azure infrastructure. Additionally for Cloud deployments each integration runtime or Agent will have a limitation of 250 simple integration executions per second.

  • They mean Environments built within Frends to enable seamless deployments throughout the the pipeline from Development to Production. For fully customized pipelines you can define as many environments as you'd like.

  • Environment is a part of the pipeline and contains integration runtimes or Frends Agents which actually execute the integrations deployed to said Environment. Note that for Hybrid Deployments you can install as many Agents within a single Environment on your own infrastructure as you'd like to enable Hybrid Scenarios.

  • High-Availability support is the ability to deploy multiple integration runtimes to share the same load and failover in-case of a disaster scenario. Note High-Availability support for the Frends Agents are only available on the Enterprise tier.

  • Frends utilizes Azure Resources to provide the service and those services are configured to be isolated logically from one-another. With fully dedicated premium resources utilized Azure Resources are upgraded to a premium version in Azure and are fully dedicated for each Customer.

  • The limitation means the total number of API and Integration executions allowed within a month across all Environments and integration runtimes or Agents for a given Frends Service. Note that the limitation is also dependent on the integration runtimes capability to scale enough to reach the given limit. The limitation is also not a hard-limitation meaning that if you go over the limitation Frends will not block exceeding executions, but a move to a higher Tier is instead highly recommended.

Frends Tiers

  • The main deciding factor to choose a correct Frends tier is decided by the need of hybrid deployments compared to pure cloud or ground deployments as well as the maximum number of allowed API and Integration executions per month. We have provided samples of typical customer environments for you to review and choose your tier correctly. Remember you can always start small and expand later!

Test Usage

  • You should first order a free 30 day trial to try out Frends after which you will simply purchase your desired subscription, which will update your Trial tenant and depending on your selected Tier you will either have all the necessary integration runtimes already in place in the case of Cloud deployments and in the case of Ground deployments you will then download installation packages from the Frends Service and deploy those your chosen infrastructure after which you are good to go to start developing. Additionally Frends has in-app guidance to get you started with these steps and development.

  • Yes, for the 30 day free Trial you don't have to provide any payment or invoicing information.

  • Nothing, the Trial will simply end automatically after 30 days.

  • The Trial subscription is equivalent to a real subscription in terms of features and functionalities, with the only difference being that you are limited to only the Development environment in a Trial.

Invoicing and Subscriptions

  • With the normal Frends Tiers you are not allowed to re-sell any part of the Service or Solutions and you should instead look at Frends ISV Partner tier.

  • The number of Processes in use per month is calculated on the last day of every month by looking at unique Frends Processes and API's in use outside the Development environment. This means that if you have an integration process that is deployed to Development, Test and Production at the same time that is still only counted as a single Process for invoicing. You can see the number of Processes yourself directly from the Frends platform at any time.

  • Yes! You can on a month-by-month basis move up or down in Tiers provided you are not using features from a Higher tier that are not available in a lower tier.

  • Yes, the number of processes in use is measured continuously every month and can decrease if you delete existing integrations or API's.