Release notes: frends 5.4. version is out

Updates: Shared state cache, Logging improvements, Triggering Processes based on Monitoring rules, UI improvements.

New frends version 5.4.0 us out

Feature updates:

Shared state cache

Agents inside of an Agent Group now have a shared cache they can access. This cache is stored in the shared database of the Agent Group and allows storing and fetching key-value based data with a time-to-live.

Environment specific database splitting for log data

Log data can now be split to separate databases based on the Environment. This can with log performance, as previously log data from all environments was processed from a single queue to a single database which could cause log data for development to wait for a huge burst of production executions to be processed before showing up in the UI. This has to enabled separately, and is only necessary in cases with huge volume of executions.

Triggering Processes based on Monitoring rules

Processes can now be configured to be launchable from Monitoring rules instead of just sending an email. This allows more complex functionality based on Monitoring rule alerts.

Other improvements and bug fixes

  • Throw shapes can be configured not to be caught by the global error handler;
  • Errors only logging can be configured not to log Promoted variable steps;
  • Manual Process start from the UI now report if the fail start immediately, instead of getting retried after 5 minutes;
  • Automatically created Kubernetes Agents are now cleaned after being stopped;
  • Process target framework is now checked on deploy against the Agent Group Agent .NET version;
  • Log level settings for Process instance retention are now Agent Group specific instead of Environment;
  • Changing Environment log level now requires Admin access;
  • Process error acknowledgements can now have a reason specified;
  • Task NuGet references with native DLLs are now supported;
  • Multiple intermediate returns no longer fail the Process execution;
  • Environment variables can now have a description;
  • Environment variables can be copied;
  • UI fixes.

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