Frends For Finnish Universities!

HiQ is taking part in the collaborative work for Finland’s centenary celebration and, in honor of this, it is offering the FRENDS integration platform free of charge to universities and universities of applied sciences for education and learning purposes.

HiQ's frends integration platform for Finnish Education Institutions

HiQ is taking part in the collaborative work for Finland’s centenary celebration and, in honor of this, it is offering the frends integration platform free of charge to universities and universities of applied sciences for education and learning purposes.

Our goal is to offer students modern learning environments and the newest working tools that are already being used by several organizations.

The process visualization made possible by the frends integration platform brings new dimensions to teaching and the learning experience, especially when compared to traditional programming. This gives graduating students a wider range of skills and better opportunities to gain employment in a variety of sectors, enabling them to tackle productive work tasks quickly. In particular, challenges involving digitalization and the Internet of Things are solved through integration platforms and the associated techniques. The frends platform familiarizes its users with these popular and widely used technologies and working methods without being dependent on a single product.

HiQ’s frends solution offers both cost-efficiencies and added flexibility

System integration is a constantly growing field of data management that is severely lacking in competent workforce. The HiQ's frends integration platform allows businesses to streamline their processes, saving them both time and resources thanks to smart automation and process transparency. The solution guarantees the smooth flow of data both internally and between the organizations and its stakeholders.

HiQ frends for learning institutions:

  • Free frends software license for educational use by learning institutions
  • Free frends training for teachers
  • Affordable maintenance, can be installed in the Microsoft Azure cloud environment used by the institutions

Our frends team has extensive experience of operational automation as well as digitalization, and we would be delighted to continue working together with Finnish learning institutions, companies and organizations to create the best development and innovation environments.

Read our customer success story to learn how Aalto University has reached 1 650 000 integration flow executions per month.
