The City of Lahti adopted Frends iPaaS to utilize transportation data

After exploring the market and various references, the City of Lahti chose Frends iPaaS to support efficient integration development. Frends connects different data sources, from traffic lights to traffic information systems and traffic count.

Essi Järvinen


Essi Järvinen

Content producer

The City of Lahti invests heavily in digital opportunities and knowledge management. The most recent project, "Data liikenteeseen," (English: "Data for Traffic), focuses on deepening the understanding of citizens' transportation and making more ecologically and economically sustainable decisions. Frends iPaas was adopted to combine data from various sources and analyze it efficiently.

The vision of the City of Lahti until 2030 is: "Lahti – enduring change." The pioneering role of Finland's leading environmental city brings well-being to residents and success to companies. The vision sets Lahti's ambitious goal to promote ecological, social, and economic sustainability. In its strategy, Lahti aims to be carbon neutral already in 2025.

"Data Liikenteeseen," funded by the Ministry of Finance, is a joint project between the City of Lahti and the City of Kuopio, which seeks new ways of utilizing data for increased knowledge management. The solutions are tested mainly on transportation data. After exploring the market and various references, the City of Lahti chose Frends iPaaS to support efficient integration development. The low-code integration platform connects different data sources, from traffic lights to traffic information systems and traffic count.

"Many municipalities had a positive experience with Frends iPaaS that increases transparency and control for integration management. The developer-friendly platform allows us to make minor modifications ourselves without always relying on a supplier, which results in major cost and time savings," says Marko Akkanen, Project Manager at the City of Lahti.

The goal is to pilot with Frends iPaaS within the "Data liikenteeseen" project and extend the use to other integration areas. The first integration has been built, and the development will continue after the holiday.

"DigiOne project with other larger cities is increasing our need for integrations and replacing our financial management system. We aim to use Frends iPaaS extensively when the pilot project succeeds. Our city's strategic focus is to increase data quality, manage the master data and visualize the data for different user groups," says Akkanen.

Frends has supported the digitalization of many cities, such as Finnish Helsinki, Järvenpää and Lohja, and Helsingborg, Sundbyberg, and Kalmar in Sweden.

"We are proud to support the City of Lahti's digitalization path. Municipalities can make better decisions by combining and analyzing data in a more advanced way. The benefits are endless: fewer emissions and better health for the citizens, more business innovations and less manual work and unnecessary costs," says Jukka Rautio, Head of Frends.

About Lahti:

Lahti is a city of 120,000 residents and a center for a region of 200,000 people. The European Commission has chosen Lahti as the European Green Capital 2021 (European Green Capital Award, EGCA) as the first city in Finland. The award is proof of Lahti's persistent environmental work as Finland's leading environmental city.

The Lahti City Corporate Group comprises about 60 businesses, communities, local authorities, and foundations. The Group employs more than 10,000 people.


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