Handlebar datamapping with Frends, JSON to XML in 2 minutes



The video shows how data is mapped from JSON to XML file with low-code handlebars data-mapping. In the end, this is just as efficient as visual “draw-the-line” data mapping, even faster as you can see the resulting format without a separate testing process.

In datamapping, there are augmented tools and lots of fancy visualized stuff to use. Almost every time those fail. For example, loops and complex structures are hard to visualize and they result often maps that are too big to execute. AI augmented datamapping looks powerful, but you always have to check the end result to be correct.

Frends's simple handlebar mapping method has been chosen by integrators that want the datamapping to be fast and robust without separate checking phases that take the same amount of time doing it.

Handlebar mapping - simple and efficient.

Watch the video