

Acubiz is a global Expense Management service provider with the purpose to innovate and simplify business administration to enable organizations to reach their full potential. Acubiz is doing that by optimizing the Expense Management processes which, among other benefits, gives the organizations more time to focus on what they do best. Expenses occur in every organization and it’s inevitable that the expenses create administrative tasks. Acubiz can manage them all and take care of the expenses - all the way from registration to bookkeeping. Find more information on

Expense Management has never been easier

Established in 1997

+30 employees

+180 000 users

Users in 45 countries

Service Offering

Acubiz streamlines and automates the administrative processes related to all types of employee-initiated expenses. What do you want to optimize?

Acubiz Expense: Acubiz Expense enables employees, approvers, and finance departments to register, approve and manage both out of pocket cash expenses, purchases made with company credit cards and travel expense reports.

Acubiz Invoice: Acubiz Invoice is automating, and digitizing organizations’ basic accounts payable and supplier invoice workflows.

Acubiz Time: Acubiz time makes it easy to register and manage work hours, vacation, leave, sickness and time consumption related to internal or external projects and client cases with Acubiz Time.

Acubiz Mileage: Acubiz Mileage is a digital mileage book, that allows employees to track and register their business-related mileage – either automatically through GPS or manually through Google Maps.

All of the features can be managed from our intuitive digital tools, including our mobile-app, Acubiz One, which is a true user favorite and our all-in-one app for managing administrative tasks related to all kind of employee-initiated expenses. Acubiz offers advanced workflow capabilities as well as support for local rules and regulations related to expenses. This means that a wide range of customer requirements across organizational structures and geographical borders is catered for.

Acubiz integrates efficiently with company credit card providers and banks, corporate travel agencies, ERP, finance and salary systems for a seamless digital end-to-end process.


Chief Commercial Officer Anders Friis, +45 23398440,