HL7 Compliant and Secure Healthcare Integrations with Frends iPaaS

Integrating healthcare systems in a GDPR-compliant and secure way doesn’t have to be difficult. The low-code integration platform Frends iPaaS simplifies the process of connecting healthcare systems, ensuring data is accurate, secure, and available — all while adhering to the HL7 standard for transferring clinical and administrative data.

The best way to connect healthcare systems


Forget point-to-point integrations. With Frends iPaaS, you can easily integrate healthcare systems that use the HL7 standard with systems using different message formats, such as XML or JSON. Frends' built-in JSON support enables easy conversions between HL7 and FHIR. The low-code platform allows both technical and non-technical users to quickly set up and manage integrations.


Frends is available on both Azure and Cleura cloud platforms, which, like Frends itself, support the ISO 27001 Information Security Standard and the ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard. Security measures such as OAuth 2.0 authentication protect your data across all connected systems. With built-in monitoring and automated error handling, Frends ensures that your integrations run smoothly and securely at all times.

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Frends makes it easy to monitor your integrations. When everything is logged and trackable, you can ensure that your integrations and automations meet both regulatory and internal standards. The standardized technologies, governance-first mindset, and enterprise-level security of Frends iPaaS makes it ideal for healthcare integrations.

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How Frends helps with healthcare integrations

Transparent Processes
Transparent Processes
Easy API Management
Fast Integrations

Transparent Healthcare Processes

Transparency and traceability are essential in healthcare integrations to meet stringent regulatory requirements.

Frends iPaaS provides comprehensive monitoring and logging features that give IT teams full visibility into integration processes. This transparency ensures that all data exchanges, especially those involving HL7 standards, are fully compliant with industry regulations.

Audit your integration workflows, spot and resolve issues quickly, and maintain a secure and compliant data environment in your healthcare organization with Frends. 


Easy API Management

APIs and connectors are crucial components for facilitating easy healthcare integrations, as these often involve many different departments and systems.

With leading API management capabilities, Frends iPaaS enables you to create, manage, and monitor APIs. With over 250 pre-built connectors, Frends ensures that your integration processes are easy to manage.

The combination of strong API management and a wide range of connectors means you can handle complex integration scenarios with ease.


Fast and Continuous Integrations

The reliability of healthcare systems is non-negotiable. Frends iPaaS keeps your critical healthcare operations running at all times, and provides real-time integrations that ensure all your systems are in sync and up-to-date.

Frends iPaaS is built for high availability, which means it’s designed to keep your systems operational, even during unexpected disruptions. The platform includes disaster recovery features, so you can trust that your data remains accessible and protected at all times.

Ensure fast and continuous operation and data protection in critical healthcare environments. 

We appreciate the value that Frends iPaaS brings to our daily operations. The platform's ease of use, transparency, and real-time capabilities have enhanced how our Business and Finance teams operate. Our finance team now monitors financial processes in real-time, allowing for proactive strategies that better align with market dynamics and business needs.

CIO at Mehiläinen

Kalle Alppi

HL7, FHIR, and Frends: Simple Healthcare Integration

With Frends iPaaS, hospitals and healthcare units can easily integrate healthcare systems that use the HL7 standard with systems using different message formats, such as XML or JSON. Frends' built-in JSON support enables easy conversions between HL7 and FHIR.

  • HL7 Support

HL7 is a widely-used messaging standard in healthcare systems and applications. Thesemessages are typically exchanged using protocols like MLLP, HLLP, HTTP(S), message queues, or file-based methods. Frends offers built-in support for all these transport protocols, ensuring smooth and reliable data exchange.

  • Support for both HL7 2.x and 3.x formats

Frends iPaaS fully supports HL7 2.x and 3.x formats. HL7 2.x is a flat-file format, and Frends provides a native parser to handle these messages efficiently. For HL7 3.x, which uses XML, Frends processes it just like any other XML format, offering native parsing capabilities for simple data integration.

  • FHIR Support

FHIR is the modern evolution of HL7, utilizing RESTful services and JSON structures for more flexible and efficient data handling. With Frends iPaaS' built-in JSON support, converting between HL7 and FHIR formats is straightforward, enabling easy integration between legacy and modern healthcare systems.

With Frends, you can:

Automate repetitive tasks to reduce manual errors across healthcare operations with Frends.
Exchange data between healthcare systems easily, making patient information accessible wherever needed for better care.
Connect on-premises, cloud-based and hybrid setups. The no code/low-code interface allows you to set up your integrations quickly.
Keep all connected systems updated with the latest patient and operational data, ensuring data consistency.
Manage and implement complex integrations easily with a low-code platform, even in highly customized environments, saving time and resources.
Gain real-time visibility into compliance with healthcare regulations, ensuring processes meet required standards and maintain data security.
Scale your integrations effortlessly as your organization grows, ensuring your IT infrastructure can handle increased demand efficiently.

What others have achieved

Eltel ensures reliable integrations for critical operations

Eltel Networks is a service provider for critical infrastructure that uses Frends to modernize and streamline their IT systems across multiple countries. With Frends, Eltel has managed over 1.5 million monthly work orders, lowered IT integration maintenance costs by 35%, and development costs by 30%.

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Mehiläinen uses Frends iPaaS for better healthcare and business

Mehiläinen, a leading private healthcare provider serving 1.3 million customers, uses Frends to streamline IT systems across its clinics. With Frends iPaaS, Mehiläinen efficiently manages over 500 000 monthly appointments. Additionally, they've reduced IT maintenance costs by 40% and accelerated the launch of new digital services by 25%.

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Orion automates processes, ensuring stability and scalability

Pharmaceutical company Orion uses Frends as a central part of their enterprise architecture to integrate, streamline, and automate business processes. Frends iPaaS allows Orion to manage complex automation workflows independently while ensuring stability and scalability in their operations.

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Experience GDPR- and HL7-Compliant Healthcare Integrations

Ready to see how Frends iPaaS can help you manage your healthcare operations?